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Men’s style in women’s wear

Men’s style in women’s wear is not a very old trend, a little over 100 years old. Men’s and women’s clothing has always been different. In the history of many countries, there are stories about the punishment for dressing not according to gender. But many types of clothing were worn by both men and women.
Certain details of men’s clothing have been worn by women since ancient times, for example, in Ancient Egypt, female pharaohs wore a false beard. Since the Middle Ages, the Men’s style has been reinforced in clothing for hunting, horse riding or military clothing, often differing only in the skirt. The same jackets, vests and hats were often used.
In Russia in the 18th century, Empress Elizabeth (1709 – 1761) liked to organize balls, where ladies should be in men’s clothes, and men in women’s clothes, including corsets and panniers. In the 18th century, the “uniform dress” appeared, which continued to exist in the 19th century. A tradition emerges among royal families for ladies to be chiefs of regiments.
In the second half of the 19th century, everything starts to change. Women’s sportswear appears, which adapts from men’s. Photos of actresses in men’s suits are popular. The era of emancipation begins, women defiantly wear men’s clothes and show that they differ from men only in this. At the beginning of the 20th century, some ladies wear masculine in public, for example, suffragettes or Coco Chanel (then not yet known).
The main impetus for changing women’s clothing was the First World War (1914-1918). Men fought everywhere, and all men’s affairs were left to women. It took comfortable practical clothes for work, driving and other things. The world will never be the same.
In the 1930s, trousers were worn by all fashionistas and not only as sportswear. Marlene Dietrich becomes a style icon and her image in a tuxedo and top hat.
Pants became everyday wear in the 1940s. Broad shoulders, elongated stiff jackets and fedora hat showcase the masculinity of fashion.

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