
The Bliaut or Bliaud is an overdress worn in the Middle Ages. The Bliaud has a lot of design options, but the main difference is the long gown with very thin and voluminous sleeves.


The Giubberello is a short sleeveless gown for men with open sides. This type of clothing was popular during the Renaissance in Italy (modern territory) in the 15th and early 16th centuries.

Robe à l’Anglaise

The Robe à l’Anglaise or the Close-bodied gown was a women’s fashion of the 18th century. This type of gown came into French fashion (and throughout the world, everywhere except English it calls “à l’Anglaise”) from England and featured a fitted bodice.


The Houppelande (es. Hopalanda; it. Pellanda) is an overdress, with a long, full body and flaring sleeves, that was worn by both men and women in Europe in the late 14th century – 1430’s.


The Zimarra (fr. Marlotte; nl. and eng. Vlieger; es. Zamarra or Ropa) is a woman’s coat, overgown. The name “Zimarra” may have come from Spain or Portugal (Zamarra), later the same name was given to men’s religious clothing (eng.


The Mantua is style of gown, the late 17th – early 18th cent. Originally a loose gown, the later mantua was an overgown or robe typically worn over stays, stomacher and a co-ordinating petticoat.