The Zimarra (fr. Marlotte; nl. and eng. Vlieger; es. Zamarra or Ropa) is a woman’s coat, overgown. The name “Zimarra” may have come from Spain or Portugal (Zamarra), later the same name was given to men’s religious clothing (eng.
The Zimarra (fr. Marlotte; nl. and eng. Vlieger; es. Zamarra or Ropa) is a woman’s coat, overgown. The name “Zimarra” may have come from Spain or Portugal (Zamarra), later the same name was given to men’s religious clothing (eng.
The “Zoot suit” is a men’s suit with high-waisted, wide-legged, tight-cuffed, pegged trousers, and a long jacket with wide lapels and wide padded shoulders.
A zibellino, flea-fur or fur tippet is a women’s fashion accessory popular in the later 15th and 16th centuries. A zibellino, from the Italian word for “sable”, is the pelt of a sable or marten worn draped at the neck or hanging at the waist, or carried in the hand.