
Schaube (de.) or Overgown (eng.), or Caputo (it.; possibly a slightly different name, what we could find) is a 16th-century men’s outerwear garment, especially popular in the 1520s to 1550s.

Hair coloring

Hair coloring has been known since very ancient times. There are many dyes, chemical reagents that change hair color. But now let’s talk about lightening hair in the Renaissance.


The Doublet (fr. Pourpoint; ru. Дублет; de. Wams; es. Jubón; it. Farsetto) is a men’s snug-fitting jacket . The Doublet appears in the mid-14th century, and comes from the clothing worn by knights under armor.


The Zimarra (fr. Marlotte; nl. and eng. Vlieger; es. Zamarra or Ropa) is a woman’s coat, overgown. The name “Zimarra” may have come from Spain or Portugal (Zamarra), later the same name was given to men’s religious clothing (eng.


The Jerkin is a man’s short close-fitting jacket, without sleeves, worn over the doublet in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. A Jerkin is outerwear, often made of leather, velvet and other warm fabrics.


Pluderhosen or Upper hose (also Upper hosen) – short, baggy trousers for men made of fabric, usually velvet, with vertical slits showing the lining, hence they were also called “filled trousers”, chausse à la gigotte, chausse bouffante, etc.


Chausses (eng. Hose) are any of various styles of men’s clothing for the legs and lower body, worn from the Middle Ages through the 16th century, when the style fell out of use in favor of breeches and stockings.


Types of glasses. The first eyeglasses were made in Northern Italy, most likely in Pisa, by about 1290 (or 1284). Initially, glasses were worn on the nose or held in the hand.

Swirling hat

The Swirling hat (or “Rings of Saturn”, or “roll hat”) is a layered headdress of the 15-16th centuries. This headgear swirling (rolled, curved, coiled, twisting) around the head like a clock spring or a roll of toilet paper.

Double apron

The Double apron (de. Doppelshürz) – is domestic garment, a two-sided apron that looks more like a loose dress. This apron was used for various household chores and was popular in the 15th and 16th centuries.


The Turban has come into Western fashion from the East, since the time of the Crusades. But it was especially popular in fashion in the second half of the 15th century –


The Vertugadin or the farthingale is one of several structures used under Western European women’s clothing in the 15th – 17th centuries to support the skirts in the desired shape and enlarged the lower half of the body.


A zibellino, flea-fur or fur tippet is a women’s fashion accessory popular in the later 15th and 16th centuries. A zibellino, from the Italian word for “sable”, is the pelt of a sable or marten worn draped at the neck or hanging at the waist, or carried in the hand.

Fashion accessory

Fashion accessory is a wardrobe detail, without which it is impossible to imagine of the era. Some accessories were practical, others covered up the flaws or simply made the outfit “decent”, and still others were just beautiful knick-knacks.