The Fillet is a headband in the Middle Ages. Fillet is made of fabric, and the crown and hoop, wreath of precious metals.
The Fillet is a headband in the Middle Ages. Fillet is made of fabric, and the crown and hoop, wreath of precious metals.
Voilette is an accessory, headpiece or part of a headdress made of tulle, lace or fine mesh. Voilette is a reduced variation of the veil, it does not serve any function, only decorative.
A beret is a type of headdress without a brim, just a crown. The beret is usually made of felt, but can be made of velvet, silk or knitted.
The Barbette – a strip of fabric, a band around the cheeks and chin. Women wore barbette in the 13th and 14th centuries.
The Bonnet or Cap (also Béguin or Coif) is a headgear, most often used as an item of underwear. The cap appears in the Middle Ages.
The Bowler hat (or Derby (United States); de. Melone; fr. Chapeau melon; it. Bombetta; nl. Bolhoed) is a headdress, a felt hat with a round crown, small, rounded brim, almost always black.
The Hood (fr. Capuche, Chaperon; nl. Capuchon; it. Cappuccio; es. Capucha; de. Kapuze, Gugel) is a headdress that has many different shapes and names.
Briefly about hairstyles and headdress, 16th century. Spain and Portugal
A Turban is a headdress that has been fashionable since the Middle Ages. We wrote a separate post about the history of the turban in Western fashion before the 19th century.
The Poke bonnet is a type of headgear derived from a bonnet and a hat. Poke bonnet appears at the beginning of the 19th century, and comes from the fashionable Chapeau à la Paméla (hat with a brim, pressed with a ribbon or veil on the sides).
An Easter bonnet is a new or fancy hat (headgear) traditionally worn at Easter. In many countries there was a custom to wear new clothes for Easter.
We have a new post on Patreon about “Headdresses and Hairstyles”. Part 5: 1840 – 1849. Year by year. Each page is one year.
In the second half of the 15th century (1450’s – 1490’s), brimless caps (or hats) entered men’s fashion. Caps were mostly scarlet, but sometimes black.
We have a new post on Patreon about 19th century fashion. 19th century. Men’s fashion… here 19th century. Women’s fashion… here We have collected on posters a brief overview of women’s and men’s fashion, as well as tables with hairstyles by year.
The Mobcap (fr. Bonnet à la Dormeuse) is a round, gathered or pleated bonnet consisting of a caul to cover the hair, a frilled or ruffled brim, and a ribbon band.
The Tricorne hat (fr. Tricorne) also the cocked hat – is headdress with the brim folded so that they form three corners.
The Pamela hat (also Pamela bonnet) or fr. Chapeau à la Paméla, described a type of straw hat or bonnet popular during the 1780’s – 1810’s.
The Boater (also straw boater, basher, skimmer, The English Panama, cady, katie, canotier, somer, sennit hat) is a semi-formal straw hat.
The Half hat is a headdress, a style of a hat, that sits on the back of the head, covering the top of the head.
The Swirling hat (or “Rings of Saturn”, or “roll hat”) is a layered headdress of the 15-16th centuries. This headgear swirling (rolled, curved, coiled, twisting) around the head like a clock spring or a roll of toilet paper.
The Bycocket hat is a headdress with a pointed “nose” and brim curved back. This hat (most often) was made of felt and was popular among people with different social status –
The Green veil is a fashion accessory introduced by French artist Élisabeth Vigée Le Brun (1755 – 1842). After the French Revolution, she left for Italy.
The Toque hat is a type of hat with a narrow brim or no brim at all. The crown of the hat was of different heights, and, depending on the fashion, was soft or upright.
Arcelet and Attifet. Two fashionable 16th century headdresses. An Arcelet or the French hood is characterized by a rounded shape, contrasted with the angular “English”
We have a new post on Patreon about “Headdresses and Hairstyles”. Part 1: 1800 – 1809. Year by year. Each page is one year.
Briefly about hairstyles and headdresses 16th century, Holy Roman Empire.
Briefly about hairstyles and headgear 1900’s – 1970’s (Russian Empire, Soviet Union).
Men’s headdresses and hairstyles. 1600’s – 1690’s. Brief history of fashion in pictures.
Headgear, headwear or headdress is the name given to any element of clothing which is worn on one’s head. Part 2 Headgears of the Middle Ages.
Men’s headdresses and hairstyles. 1700’s – 1790’s. Brief history of fashion in pictures.
Women’s headdresses and hairstyles. 18th century. Brief history of fashion in pictures.
Headgear, headwear or headdress is the name given to any element of clothing which is worn on one’s head. Part 1 Late 17th century – the 19th century.
1800’s – 1890’s. A brief history of headdresses and hairstyles in pictures.
1800’s – 1890’s. A brief history of headdresses and hairstyles in pictures.