
Voilette is an accessory, headpiece or part of a headdress made of tulle, lace or fine mesh. Voilette is a reduced variation of the veil, it does not serve any function, only decorative.

Bowler hat

The Bowler hat (or Derby (United States); de. Melone; fr. Chapeau melon; it. Bombetta; nl. Bolhoed) is a headdress, a felt hat with a round crown, small, rounded brim, almost always black.

Poke bonnet

The Poke bonnet is a type of headgear derived from a bonnet and a hat. Poke bonnet appears at the beginning of the 19th century, and comes from the fashionable Chapeau à la Paméla (hat with a brim, pressed with a ribbon or veil on the sides).

Swirling hat

The Swirling hat (or “Rings of Saturn”, or “roll hat”) is a layered headdress of the 15-16th centuries. This headgear swirling (rolled, curved, coiled, twisting) around the head like a clock spring or a roll of toilet paper.


The Bycocket hat is a headdress with a pointed “nose” and brim curved back. This hat (most often) was made of felt and was popular among people with different social status –