
Pelisse (also: Pellicle, Pelisse-mantle, Pelisson, Péliçon, Pelizone, Curricle pelisse, Pelisse robe) is a type of cape with a fur lining and a fabric outside (such as silk or velvet).


Pastoral is an interest in nature and romanticization of rural life in culture and art. Pastoral embodies scenes from the lives of shepherds and shepherdesses against the backdrop of idyllic landscapes with sheep, sun, flowers and fruits.

Fichu and Canezou

What are Fichu and Canezou? what is the difference? Fichu and Canezou are thin shawls (scarves) made of light fabric (muslin, tulle) or lace that cover the chest and décolleté.

Bergère hat

Bergère hat (fr. Bergère – eng. Shepherdess) – a wide-brimmed straw hat with a small crown. Bergère hat was in vogue in the 18th century (circa 1730-1780s) There are different versions of the origin of the name of the hat:


The Garter is a band worn to keep up a stocking, sock or chausses to the leg. Usually a garter is worn around the leg, but sometimes stockings are attached to other types of garments with garters (garter belt, corselet, sock braces, girdle, etc.).

Quilted wear

Quilted clothes has existed for a very long time, it is even impossible to say when it appeared. Until the 18th century, quilted garments were most commonly used as underwear, such as a petticoat or doublet.

Robe à l’Anglaise

The Robe à l’Anglaise or the Close-bodied gown was a women’s fashion of the 18th century. This type of gown came into French fashion (and throughout the world, everywhere except English it calls “à l’Anglaise”) from England and featured a fitted bodice.


Engageantes are false sleeves (or rather cuffs), worn with women’s clothing. It is difficult to say when the removable sleeves or cuffs appeared, but in the 17th century, lace trim on underwear was a very prominent feature of women’s and men’s fashion.


The Mantua is style of gown, the late 17th – early 18th cent. Originally a loose gown, the later mantua was an overgown or robe typically worn over stays, stomacher and a petticoat.


The Аllonge (also Peruke) is a man’s headdress, wig with long wavy curls. Wigs in men’s fashion have been known for a long time, but they became ubiquitous in the middle of the 17th century.


Types of glasses. The first eyeglasses were made in Northern Italy, most likely in Pisa, by about 1290 (or 1284). Initially, glasses were worn on the nose or held in the hand.

Brunswick gown

The Brunswick gown or Brunswick is a two-piece (jacket and skirt) woman’s gown of the 18th century. The Brunswick consisted of a jacket and a skirt, but sometimes there was also a vest.