
Pelisse (also: Pellicle, Pelisse-mantle, Pelisson, Péliçon, Pelizone, Curricle pelisse, Pelisse robe) is a type of cape with a fur lining and a fabric outside (such as silk or velvet).


Pastoral is an interest in nature and romanticization of rural life in culture and art. Pastoral embodies scenes from the lives of shepherds and shepherdesses against the backdrop of idyllic landscapes with sheep, sun, flowers and fruits.

Motoring fashion

When the first cars appeared, women’s auto fashion (also driving fashion, car fashion, motoring fashion) was a kind of sportswear. The first cars were open and there was a need to protect clothes from the cold and bad weather, and the hair and hat should not be blown away by the wind.


Schaube (de.) or Overgown (eng.), or Caputo (it.; possibly a slightly different name, what we could find) is a 16th-century men’s outerwear garment, especially popular in the 1520s to 1550s.


The Chérusque collar is a type of stand-up collar that was popular in the early 19th century, especially at the court of Emperor Napoleon.


Greasers (from “grease” also “brilliantine”) are a youth subculture that emerged in the late 1940s and early 1960s from predominantly working class and lower-class teenagers and young adults in the United States.

Apollo Knot

The Apollo Knot hairstyle is a fashion trend of the 1820s – 1830s. The hairstyle is combed into three parts: in the front, the hair is parted, curled and laid at the sides, and at the back of the head, long hair is combed high and tied in a knot, sometimes called a “crown.” The knot is decorated with flowers, feathers, jewels and braids.


Voilette is an accessory, headpiece or part of a headdress made of tulle, lace or fine mesh. Voilette is a reduced variation of the veil, it does not serve any function, only decorative.


Autoped is the first motorized scooter named after the company that registered the patent. The Autoped company produced from 1913 to 1921 in the USA;

Сoach cover earrings

Hidden beauty. Earrings in coach covers with clasps were popular in the 1870s and 1880s. Snap-on earring covers were an American innovation, and were generally made with black enamel or inconspicuous gold ornamentation.

Fichu and Canezou

What are Fichu and Canezou? what is the difference? Fichu and Canezou are thin shawls (scarves) made of light fabric (muslin, tulle) or lace that cover the chest and décolleté.

Portraits with overlays

Miniature Portraits with overlays of mica. Unusual portraits came into fashion after about 1650. However, all the portraits that were found on the Internet belong to the period from the 1640s to the 1660s.

Dandy horse

The Dandy horse (or the Draisine, or a Laufmaschine) is a two-wheeled vehicle, with both wheels in line, propelled by the rider pushing along the ground with the feet as in regular walking or running.

Jodhpur and Breeches

Jodhpur pants (or trousers) and Riding Breeches are two types of pants that are similar in silhouette. Main feature: very wide, loose-fitting trousers in the hips and narrow from the knee down.


Overalls (fr. Salopette; de. Latzhose; es. Overol; it. Salopette; pl. Ogrodniczki; ru. Комбинезон; pt. Jardineira; nl. Tuinbroek) are a type of garment that combines pants and a top.


Sunglasses are an accessory that protects your eyes from the bright rays of the sun. The history of sunglasses goes back thousands of years, but it was not a fashion accessory, but a necessity.

Lotus shoes

Lotus shoes (simplified Chinese: 莲履) are traditional Chinese women’s shoes, very small in size. To wear such shoes, it was necessary for girls (about 5-7 years old) to bandage their feet in a special way, turning their toes inward.

Bergère hat

Bergère hat (fr. Bergère – eng. Shepherdess) – a wide-brimmed straw hat with a small crown. Bergère hat was in vogue in the 18th century (circa 1730-1780s) There are different versions of the origin of the name of the hat:

Foot stoves

Foot stoves or footwarmers were perforated boxes, mostly heated by hot coals or stones in a special pot. Widely used in the northern countries such as Holland, Scandinavia and the British Isles in the 17th and 19th centuries.

Bowler hat

The Bowler hat (or Derby (United States); de. Melone; fr. Chapeau melon; it. Bombetta; nl. Bolhoed) is a headdress, a felt hat with a round crown, small, rounded brim, almost always black.