Painted knees and rolled down stockings

Painted knees and rolled down stockings

Flappers, as fashionistas in the Roaring Twenties were called, were very bold girls in fashion trends. We have a post about them. Not all radical fashionistas in the 1920s decided to blush or paint their knees and roll down their stockings. But this fashion trend was written about in newspapers and songs were sung.
‘Roll ’em girls roll ’em girls
Go ahead and roll ’em
Roll ’em down and show your pretty knees
Roll ’em girls roll ’em ev’rybody roll ’em
Roll ’em high or low just as you please
Don’t let people tell you that it’s shocking
Paint your sweetie’s picture
On your stocking …”
by Billy Murray, 1925
Silent film starring Louise Brooks was even named after the phenomenon: “Rolled Stockings”, 1927
In the 1920s, girls abandoned stocking garters and rolled them up to draw attention to their knees. Rolled down stockings were popular in beach fashion, in pools and with sportswear. There were even special garters for rolled stockings. It was not proper to go without stockings. Around the same time, another trend appeared – to paint the entire leg, as if it were in a stocking. Dress styles were still too long to show the tops of the legs, but the popular dances of the era, from the Charleston to the Foxtrot, showed blushed or patterned knees, drawing more attention.
The fashion for painted knees was forgotten until the 1960s. When miniskirts came into fashion, the trend came to adorn the legs.
Расписные коленки и закатанные чулки.
В мюзикле «Чикаго» есть такая фраза: «крась её колени и закатывай её чулки» ( “rouge her knees and roll her stockings down”). Возможно не очень понятная фраза в наши дни, но именно так одевались радикальные модницы в 1920-х годах.
Флэпперы или Флапперы, так назывались модницы в “ревущие двадцатые”. Про них у нас был отдельный пост (прочитать можно тут —>)
В 1920-х годах девушки часто отказывались от подвязок для чулок и сворачивали их в ролик, привлекая внимание к коленкам. Фасоны платьев всё ещё были слишком длинными, чтобы показать верхнюю часть ног, но популярные танцы той эпохи, от чарльстона до фокстрота, позволяли увидеть покрасневшие или украшенные узором колени, привлекая больше внимания. Иногда колени специально румянили.

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