The Zimarra (fr. Marlotte; nl. and eng. Vlieger; es. Zamarra or Ropa) is a woman’s coat, overgown. The name “Zimarra” may have come from Spain or Portugal (Zamarra), later the same name was given to men’s religious clothing (eng.
The Zimarra (fr. Marlotte; nl. and eng. Vlieger; es. Zamarra or Ropa) is a woman’s coat, overgown. The name “Zimarra” may have come from Spain or Portugal (Zamarra), later the same name was given to men’s religious clothing (eng.
The Robe à Tassel is a type of overdress fashionable in Europe in the 15th century. Sometimes this type of overdress is called Burgundian gown, but this is not correct.
The Delphos gown is a finely pleated silk dress first created in about 1907 by French designer Henriette Negrin and her husband, Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo (1871–1949).
The Aquamanile (plural aquamanilia or simply aquamaniles; from lat. “aqua” – water and lat. “manus” – hand) – is a washstand, a ewer or jug-type vessel for washing hands in the form of an animal or human, sometimes several figures.
The Jerkin is a man’s short close-fitting jacket, without sleeves, worn over the doublet in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. A Jerkin is outerwear, often made of leather, velvet and other warm fabrics.
The Gable hood (or English hood or gable headdress) is an English headdress from the first half of the 16th century.