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The Zimarra (fr. Marlotte; nl. and eng. Vlieger; es. Zamarra or Ropa) is a woman’s coat, overgown. The name “Zimarra” may have come from Spain or Portugal (Zamarra), later the same name was given to men’s religious clothing (eng.

Delphos gown

The Delphos gown is a finely pleated silk dress first created in about 1907 by French designer Henriette Negrin and her husband, Mariano Fortuny y Madrazo (1871–1949).


The Aquamanile (plural aquamanilia or simply aquamaniles; from lat. “aqua” – water and lat. “manus” – hand) – is a washstand, a ewer or jug-type vessel for washing hands in the form of an animal or human, sometimes several figures.


The Jerkin is a man’s short close-fitting jacket, without sleeves, worn over the doublet in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. A Jerkin is outerwear, often made of leather, velvet and other warm fabrics.