TeaPot, Coffee Pot, Chocolate Pot
Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish a TeaPot from a Coffee Pot and a Chocolate Pot …
Sometimes it is very difficult to distinguish a TeaPot from a Coffee Pot and a Chocolate Pot …
Chemise a la Reine (The Chemise Dress) In the 1780s, the Chemise Dress into fashion. A white сhemise, which was worn on underwear, a corset, skirts, or even on a naked body, everything depended on the courage of the fashionista.
Impressionism (fr. impressionnisme – “impression”) is one of the largest trends in art in the last third of the 19th century.
Briefly about hairstyles and headdresses 16th century, Holy Roman Empire.
Briefly about hairstyles and headdresses 16th century, Britain (Great Britain)