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1940s of fashion
1940’s Brief history of fashion in pictures. Women’s and men’s, headdresses and hairstyles, underwear, swimsuits and bathing suits
Fashion accessory
Fashion accessory is a wardrobe detail, without which it is impossible to imagine of the era. Some accessories were practical, others covered up the flaws or simply made the outfit “decent”, and still others were just beautiful knick-knacks.
Headgears of the Middle Ages
Headgear, headwear or headdress is the name given to any element of clothing which is worn on one’s head. Part 2 Headgears of the Middle Ages.
Women’s Headdresses of Ancient Rome
Women’s Headdresses and Hairstyles. Etruscans, Ancient Rome & Roman Empire, Byzantine Empire. 6th century B.C. – 6th century A.D. Brief history of fashion in pictures.
1930s of fashion
1930’s Brief history of fashion in pictures. Women’s and men’s, headdresses and hairstyles, underwear, swimsuits and bathing suits