1900s Men’s fashion
1900s men’s fashion. Timeline
1900s men’s fashion. Timeline
1960s women’s fashion. Timeline
What were the ideas for Christmas looks in the 1890s – 1980s?
Pelisse (also: Pellicle, Pelisse-mantle, Pelisson, Péliçon, Pelizone, Curricle pelisse, Pelisse robe) is a type of cape with a fur lining and a fabric outside (such as silk or velvet).
1950s women’s fashion. Timeline
1940s women’s fashion. Timeline
Pastoral is an interest in nature and romanticization of rural life in culture and art. Pastoral embodies scenes from the lives of shepherds and shepherdesses against the backdrop of idyllic landscapes with sheep, sun, flowers and fruits.
1930s women’s fashion. Timeline
1920s women’s fashion. Timeline
The Fillet is a headband in the Middle Ages. Fillet is made of fabric, and the crown and hoop, wreath of precious metals.
1910s women’s fashion. Timeline